To: Ash
From: Crecente
Tomorrow morning I have to get up at 4 a.m. to catch a 6 a.m. flight to San Francisco so I can meet with Ubisoft and then spend the rest of the day covering Microsoft's big X10 event. It's going to be a PACKED day. Packed with news, hands on and interviews.
I'm psyched. I'm also tired... just thinking about it.
What you missed:
can videogames make us happy?
Playing The Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom Credits
The Road to IGF Is Paved With Good Games
Heavy Rain Review: No Wrong Conclusion
Does The Video Game Industry Need A Time Out?
BioShock 2 PC Widescreen Pissing People Off Again
Frankenreview: Dante's Inferno
Alpha Protocol Impressions: Looks Deceive
Speak-Up On Kotaku: Damaged Packages, Missing PS2s, Bad Science, And Cheating
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Impressions: The Tougher Battle
iPhone's World at War: Zombies Getting Verruckt Tomorrow
StarCraft II Closed Beta Launches This Month
World of Warcraft: No Growth Since 2008