Look. At. That. Look at it! Choreographed martial arts doesn't get much better than this.
This, of course, is the Chinese martial art wushu. In competition, there are events with individual or several participants. While the moves are choreographed, timing is key. One wrong move can not only ruin the rhythm, but result in disaster.
The above GIF (and below video) is from a few years back, showing Team China at the World Wushu Championships. It's recently making the internet rounds again, but you might have seen it before. It's truly impressive.
And here it is again from a different angle, in case you weren't impressed enough already.
Below, you can see more amazing wushu from over the years.
Wushu is practiced all over the world, but it still isn't an Olympic sport. That's a damn shame, because it sure is fun to watch.
Top GIF: wushuboi@YouTube
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