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Wow, iPhone Games Are EXPENSIVE [Update]

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Super Monkey Ball, Spore...iPhone gaming sure looks promising. But how much would you pay for a game that, fancy graphics or not, you're playing on your phone? $5? $15? Hahaha. Not even close. No, according to Spanish mobile studio LemonQuest - who are currently working on an iPhone game - Apple are planning on charging $25 for an iPhone game. That's a spicy meatball. Too spicy? Not if iPhone games can be the equivalent of at least a DS game. And if they can manage that, well...that's a bargain!

UPDATE - While LemonQuest seem adamant that games will run at around $25, Apple's own dev page clearly states that developers set their own prices, so long as 30% of the cut goes to Apple.

LemonQuest talks iPhone, ARM and industry consolidation []