[Update 5:20 p.m. February 19: During Blizzconline’s opening ceremony, Blizzard debuted the newest story trailer for Shadowlands and a trailer for Burning Crusade Classic confirming some of the information leaked a day prior. Original story follows.]
A leak surfacing the day before Blizzconline’s opening ceremonies revealed possible details of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands’s first major update.
![Image for article titled World Of Warcraft Leak Includes Showdown With Sylvanas, Burning Crusade Classic [UPDATE: Confirmed]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/afpvuwnfoibrncd6upmy.jpg)
First appearing on Wowhead and MMO-champion.com, the leak states, “In Chains of Domination, the upcoming first major content update for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, players will delve into new depths of the Jailer’s hopeless domain, seeking to understand the true nature of his malignant plans.”
Updates to Shadowlands include:
- A new zone: Korithia, City of Secrets
- A new raid added to Torghast: the Sanctum of Domination
- A New Broker-themed “mega-dungeon” (whatever that means) Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
- Flying!!
- Players will be able to “come face-to-face with the Banshee Queen herself in a fateful confrontation”
It’s unclear if that confrontation means players will be able to fight and kill Sylvanas so soon after launch or if this is just one of many showdowns with a main Shadowlands’ antagonist.
But wait! There’s more! In a move many fans probably expected, the Burning Crusade will reportedly be added to WoW Classic, giving players the opportunity to experience WoW’s first expansion as it launched in 2007. Interestingly, the leak reports that, before release, players can opt-out of Burning Crusade content and migrate to Classic-only servers. All the end-game content from Burning Crusade will return in a phased roll-out, so don’t expect to get access to The Black Temple, Sunwell, and Zul’Aman raids all at once.
Blizzard has declined to comment at this time.