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World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic Goes Live June 1

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Oh no, we have to do Mana Tombs again?
Oh no, we have to do Mana Tombs again?
Screenshot: Blizzard

The Dark Portal opens all over again on June 1 with the worldwide launch of World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic.

Players eager to revisit the old school version of levels 60 through 70, with the endless riding through Outland’s sprawling purple, orange, and green zones, will soon have their chance with the relaunch of the 2007 version of World of Warcraft. Expect a flood of blood elves and draenei, the two new races introduced in the Burning Crusade expansion, followed by players in the general chat of the expansion’s old/new zones complaining about how slow everything is. Servers will open at 6pm Eastern on June 1.


Starting May 18, existing WoW Classic players must decide whether they want to stay in the past on vanilla Classic servers, advance to the first expansion pack, or clone their character and play in both. Blizzard’s got a handy explainer on how cloning characters for the expansion jump works over at the official website.