Now that the recent Wolfenstein games have fleshed out the series’ canon and roster of characters, it’s time for a board game to come in, promise some plastic miniatures and, as they always do, ask for money on Kickstarter.
it’s a co-op dungeon crawler, so anyone who has played anything from Space Hulk to Imperial Assault will know how this goes down, as 1-4 players go on secret missions to try and kill Hitler.
While set in the 1960 universe of the recent games, the board game is also calling back to id’s originals, including miniatures for Mecha-Hitler and Hans Grosse.
As any major licensed Kickstarter is going to do by default, the game has already passed its funding goal. It looks pretty cool, but a couple of reservations: Firstly, the board game manufacturing and publishing pipeline is in a shambles at the moment, and secondly, while the included miniatures look amazing, they also have to be cut off plastic sheets and assembled like model kits, which kinda sucks!