The Postal series has been a lighting rod. While the series hasn't necessary push the envelope in gaming, it has pushed it in regards to what is acceptable in gaming.
But exactly is that? Lead Designer Steve explains, "Well, it was kind of weird and amusing when we had to cut all the female moans and screams out of Postal I for release in Britain due to sensitivity surrounding the tragic death of Princess Diana. Interestingly, we had problems with the pissing in Postal II in America. It seems that some consider it a "sex act". It's ironic because the only reason we put it in the game was to provide a method of putting yourself out when you caught on fire! ...We were so naive...
Peeing is a sex act in America when you're on fire? That's hot. No, really, it is.
Sandbox title Postal III is slated for the Xbox 360, PC, Mac and the PS3.
Interview for Postal III (PC) [UGDB] [Pic]