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Report: HoloLens Dev Unit Includes Conker Game

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It looks like Fortune broke an embargo a little early today and released details on the first Microsoft HoloLens unit that humans can actually buy.

While Fortune’s original story has been pulled, the information was picked up and posted by Redditor Shooob. The gist is this: the first development kit for the HoloLens will not only cost $3000 (Note: IT’S A DEV KIT, not a consumer model), but has details on three demo game/experience/things that’ll come with it.

The first game is Fragments, which “puts gamers in the middle of an augmented reality crime drama that unfolds in their living room. Players are able to investigate clues and solve crimes by interacting with characters that sit on their couch and talk directly to them.”


The second is called RoboRaid, which you’ve seen before when it was called Project Xray:

The third game is a weird choice: Young Conker. It’s described in the Fortune piece as:

Young Conker takes the popular squirrel created by Microsoft-owned developer Rare off platform gaming and and into the real world. Developed by Asobo Studios (which also worked with Microsoft on Fragments), the game changes based on what environment the gamer is playing in.

“This means every person gets a unique gameplay experience, since each gamer’s real world environment is unique,” Tsunoda wrote. “It is amazing how different the play experience feels based on playing the game in your living room versus your kitchen or your bedroom. Even starting the game from a different position in a single room creates an entirely new gameplay dynamic.”


Of all the properties Microsoft owns and could use to inspire developers to create fresh and exciting new content for their science-fiction-as-fuck machine, they picked...Conker? OK. Oh well, good news for Conker fans, I guess!

You can read through the full (copy+pasted) report here.