Remember back in the early 90s when the CD-Rom format made it possible for computer games like 1992's Night Trap or The 7th Guest to feature extensive badly-acted full-motion video? Gamecade Production certainly does. They've just released Survival 2: Get Lucky, a FMV-style dating game starring Josh Knechtly of the band Rootbound. Who?
It doesn't matter who Josh Knechtly or Rootbound is. What matters is Rootbound's Josh and their music stars with someone named Jenny Massmann in the FMV adventure to end all FMV adventures (hopefully). You've just arrived home from your afternoon date, and now you're trying to get your date into her apartment and possibly her bedroom.
Don't worry, it's not that sort of game. It's a T-rated romantic comedy, so don't expect disturbing hair guy and attractive woman to do the incredibly nasty on screen. Just expect some creative acting talent, some attempted laughs, and for $9.99 to be missing from your wallet when all is said and done.
Ooo, optimzed for 1280 by 800 resolution. The future is here!
Survival 2: Get Lucky [Gamecade Production]