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Which Free Doritos Xbox Game Is The Cheesiest?

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This year's Unlock Xbox contest has come down to two Doritos brand-inspired Xbox Live Arcade games: Doritos Crash Course and Harms Way. Which should win? Download the games for free today and cast your vote.

The Unlock Xbox competition started with a whole slew of Doritos game concepts. Those were narrowed down to ten, judges narrowed them down to eight, and those eight were voted down to three. Finally, two games were chosen to actually be produced.

The first, seen above, is Doritos Crash Course, and avatar-powered obstacle course game. The second, seen below, is Harms Way, a cooperative multiplayer vehicle shooter in which one person drives the car and the other mans a machine gun on top of it.


Which will win? That's pretty much up to you.

Both games are now available for free on Xbox Live Arcade. Gold subscribers can play through them, earning achievements along the way, and then vote for which one receives the grand prize: A $50,000 game consulting gig with Doritos.


You can add Doritos Crash Course and Harms Way to your download queue right now on Once you're done playing, hit up the poll on the Xbox dashboard to vote for your favorite.

Download 2 free games (earn achievements) and cast your vote for the best [Major Nelson]