This weekend in Tokyo, the Pikachu the Movie XY Exhibit opened in Roppongi Hills along with the Pikachu Cafe. Visitors got a hands-on look at the Pokémon movies as well as a chance to scarf down Pikachu burgers. Let's have a look at the festivities!
According to some Twitter users, those hoping to eat at the cafe needed to wait up to 180 minutes to get a seat. Wowzers.
Previously, we saw professionally shot promo pics (which often appear different from the real deal). But, as you can see in the photos below, the food actually looked pretty good, especially the burgers.
[Photo: Pokemonten_XY]
[Photo: sk20v0]
[Photo: yrk_0408]
[Photo: sk20v0]
[Photo: 0220nicole]
[Photo: Pokemonten_XY]
[GIF: Togech]
[Photo: Pokemonten_XY]
[Photo: coward2439]
[Photo: kusayura]
[Photo: wakoyou]
[Photo: mgrmgrmgr]
[Photo: mgrmgrmgr]
And now with a hipster filter:
[Photo: eno4shi]
Pokémon the movieXY展 [Official Site]
Top photo: ruchanpinkmmts
To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @Brian_Ashcraft.
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