Who needs Bulbasaur when you can fight with Ghost? Who needs pocket monsters in your Pokemon game when you can have the heroes of Call of Duty take turns slashing and poisoning? One amazing video depicts the unreal Pokémon: Modern Warfare.
(Video includes text-based profanity, so be mindful before sharing with Pokémon-loving kids.)
The video was created by the people at Blasted Roof and uploaded to YouTube this week. The creators did an extraordinary job mixing two of the biggest franchises in entertainment history.
You've got your re-done title screen:
Your custom Call of Duty Pokémon:
Your team of CoD Pokémon (with a call-out to Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling, aka FourZeroTwo):
Your classic Pokémon-style battle:
And you even have that key element of Pokémon, evolution:
Unfortunately, you also get one of the key elements of Call of Duty gamer culture, slurs:
After viewers complained about the "British Fag" reference, the creators appended the apology you can see in the screenshot above. The "British Fag" character is a reference to the guy in this video:
The "fag" line aside, this is an impressive feat by the people at Blasted Roof. I'd play a Pokemon: Call of Duty. Would you?
Pokemon CoD Style [Blasted Roof]