You have any idea how hard it is to get off a phone call discussing options to install a heat pump, or fire insurance discounts, or school district taxes, and then pick up Prototype 2 and pretend you're still an adult?
Sorry, I'm going through house-buying crap right now. That's right, I'm gonna be a tax-paying, land-owning, fist-shaking, get-off-my-lawn old bastard. I need some release. Max Payne 3 gets here on Tuesday, and I'll have to get current with that. There are also a ton of titles I've let wither on the vine lately. And Skyrim, don't get me started on that. I also have a special project coming up that requires me to play a couple of really old, overrated games in the coming week, so that'll cut into my MLB 12 The Show time.
So, what are you playing this weekend?