Is anyone reading this still on campus? This was my favorite time of the year when I was an undergraduate student. I stayed at school until they threw us all out, usually going four days to a week after my last exam. There's no better lifestyle than a college town at the end of the semester.
It's a great time to catch up on reading or, in our case, the games that currently command your attention. Last week I mentioned I was back in DC Universe Online; I'm still there, currently at level 21 with my new hero. Zen Studios' brilliant Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue set of four tables is also getting the "chaser" treatment from me on Xbox Live. For those who do have PlayStation Plus subscriptions, not only is the base Marvel Pinball game free for the rest of the month (including Blade, em>Wolverine, Iron Man and Spiderman) so is Tomb Raider: Underworld.
I don't have any aggregate usage statistics in front of me, but considering the time I put into MLB 11 The Show, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters (my sports game of the year and DC Universe Online, even with the PSN outage of April and May, the PS3 is by far my dominant platform this year.
What's yours? And what are you playing this weekend? Let everyone know in the comments.