This weekend is for playing video games. All weekends are for playing video games. I don’t know why past curators of “What are you playing?” pretended there was anything else to do. Let’s goooooooooo!
This particular weekend I am playing a game based on the latest version of one of my favorite childhood toys, the Zoids. One Christmas in the mid ‘80s my parents went shopping too late and all of the Transformers were gone, but Zoids were on clearance, so they bought them all. Zoids are robotic beasts, dinosaurs and wild animals, that kids can put together and fight. They’ve got these little rubber “bolts” that hold them all together. They’re so cool.

Zoids Wild: Blast Unleashed is a Switch game based on the latest version of Zoids, in which folks pair up with the mechanical beasts and do battle. It’s an animal robot fighting game. Kinda simple, aimed toward the younger crowd and all, but animal robots fighting is my jam.
What’s your jam this weekend?