The weekend is for really needing to be hitting certain mileage goals in my half-marathon training, which has been making me realize how small New York actually is. Can I resist turning into one of those runners who jogs up and down the block repeatedly to squeeze in that last portion of a mile? The weekend is also for playing video games once I’m sick of poring over potential running routes on Google maps.
I’ve fallen back under the spell of Fortnite challenges recently. I don’t want many of the cosmetics they help me earn, but the background noise of all the undone tasks haunts me. One of my goals for 2020 is to be more decisive, which means I have to pick one or two challenges to focus on each round instead of halfway doing a bunch of them, but it’s not going so well so far. Damn you, challenges.
I’ll also admit that I never got very far in Outer Wilds, but the fact that our EiC Stephen recently raved about it has me wanting to give it another shot. Is this the weekend I decide it’s OK to suck at the controls? We’ll see.
What about you? What are you playing?