In case you forgot, 343 Industries’ Halo Infinite doesn’t have co-op play in its campaign mode. Well, the fast-food burger company Wendy’s hasn’t forgotten, and decided to hit Twitter to roast the official Xbox account over the lack of inclusion of the mode at launch.
Read More: Halo Infinite Won’t Have Campaign Co-op At Launch
Why on Earth would the two companies, Wendy’s and Xbox, ever interact with each other online? The answer is simple: It was National Roast Day this week, an annual tradition the Ohio-based restaurant chain engages in. As the name suggests, Wendy’s roasts literally anyone and everyone looking to get cooked, and while the burns leave some damning scars, none of them sting nearly as much as the clap back Wendy’s gave to Xbox.
Microsoft responded to Wendy’s offer of free salty roasts, and received back the switchblade line, “Wanna co-op this new Halo campaign?”
Oof! Yeah, that one hurts. There are some mean “roasts” on the company’s official Twitter account, but Wendy’s hits on something just about every Halo player misses when running through Infinite’s campaign. Each entry in the franchise has included local splitscreen co-op, so Wendy’s seems to understand the disappointment that came when the feature was nowhere to be found at Infinite’s launch. That’s not to say co-op won’t come, though.
In fact, Halo Infinite’s head of creative Joseph Staten said back in August that both campaign co-op and Forge are expected to arrive sometime this year, along with more and bigger tests for modes such as Big Team Battle. Unfortunately, there’s no release date for either one just yet, but players are getting creative, finding glitches to add the feature, albeit with some limitations.
Read More: Halo Infinite Glitch Allows For Campaign Couch Co-op
Halo Infinite and Xbox weren’t Wendy’s only targets, as the fast-food burger joint also whipped the Overwatch League following Lego’s announcement that it delayed the new Overwatch 2 set over the Activision Blizzard situation. These roasts are amazing! So if you’re looking for a good way to spend a Friday online surrounded by corporate bants, check out the Wendy’s Twitter account. You’ll find all kinds of burns on bands like Attack Attack! and Underoath, as well as various other companies including Aflac, Funko, Oculus, and T-Mobile.