Etsy is an excellent place to find video game themed crafts, but it doesn't look like this seller put much work into the "Super Nintendo Necklace." He's hoping you won't notice. You probably don't.
The necklace costs $25 seller, who maintains the classic Nintendo blog "The 72 Pin" handmade this from the following materials:
• Sisal
• Packaging Tape
• Paper Flower
• Fully functioning Super Nintendo
Bewbs are display only.
Not interested? Perhaps you would be interested in his GameBoy Advance necklace. $20. (Bottom) Again, Bewbs are not included, for display purposes only. (Of course they are.)
The 72 Pin's Etsy shop is, clearly a front for used video game sales. How long it lasts, who knows.
Fully Functional Super Nintendo Necklace [Etsy, thanks EgyptianRuin]