Very little activity the week before Christmas. Blaster Master's on the Virtual Console on Monday; Konami Classics brings six arcade oldies-but-goodies to the Xbox 360. After that? Ain't nothin' goin' on but the rent.
This week's piddling count: five for PC, four for Wii, two for DS, two for Xbox 360.
Monday (Dec. 14)
Blaster Master (Wii)
Brukkon (PC)
Diatomic (Wii)
Manga Fighter Season 2 (PC)
Rubik's Puzzle Galaxy: RUSH (Wii)
Twin Sector (PC)
Tuesday (Dec. 15)
Europa Universalis III: Heir to the Throne (PC)
EverQuest Underfoot (PC)
Konami Classics Vol. 1 (360)
Konami Classics Vol. 2 (360)
Reader Rabbit Kindergarten (DS)
Friday (Dec. 18)
Playmobil Circus (Wii)
Playmobil: Pirates (DS)