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Watch Us Play The Wii U's New 2D RTS, Swords & Soldiers II

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The first Swords & Soldiers, released nearly six years ago, was a hidden Wii gem. The new one, released today for Wii U? More of the same in all the best ways. I captured my playthrough of one of the game’s levels so you can see for yourself.

What you’ll see is a colorful, briskly played mash-up of side-scroller and real-time-strategy game. You’ll also see some dramatic turnarounds as I battle with the game’s artificial intelligence. It can get tough!


The new game is $20 for Wii U, download only and also supports local one-on-one multiplayer. I’m about a third of the way through and am pretty happy with it. You can get more info about the game at the official Swords & Soldiers II site.

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