Even if it's a "small number"—we've heard 150—you can see why Target sending out Xbox Ones early is such a screwup. Here are a series of videos showing the console as it is set up by a user, apparently in Texas, who also got an early delivery.
Yesterday, Stephen Totilo got a tweet from a father down in Texas saying his family had received the console and, like "Moonlight Swami" early Saturday morning, was banned from Xbox Live. We think this is the same guy. Whatever the case, he's uploaded a series of videos detailing the console's makeup, with his son walking you through the initial installation and setup, and showing it in action. It's an unfiltered look at the machine and highly educational.
Here's a nuts-and-bolts overview of the console, its utility ports, and how it's plugged in and powered on:
Here's the dashboard:
Now a detailed look at the controller and the headset:
Microsoft has confirmed that early console recipients "will be restricted from connecting to Xbox Live until closer to our launch date," though users who are restricted do receive a message they've been banned. The bannings are not thought to be permanent.
André Weingarten—"Moonlight Swami"—had his unboxing video yanked from YouTube on a copyright claim by Microsoft. He said on Saturday that Microsoft would lift that "copyright strike" as the Nov. 22 launch date draws near. My guess is the company now realizes it's terrible PR to go sanctioning customers who received a product early because of a retailer's screwup. But if these videos also are pulled down, we'll know why.
Xbox One Set Up Videos from Guy [NeoGAF]
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