Listen: when you’re watching two teams go to war in Killer Queen, you don’t have to join in the crowds yelling for an oversized cephalopod gastropod to make it to one side of the screen. But you want to. “SNAIL! SNAIL! SNAIL!” It just comes out of you.
The video above comes from the first Killer Queen tournament held after Josh DeBonis and Nik Mikros’ arcade cabinet debuted at New York University’s No Quarter exhibition. The clip really captures how fun KQ is to play and to watch. For those wondering about the chanting, one of the ways a team can win in KQ is to ride a giant, slow-moving snail to their respective side of the screen. I love that jargon and strategies have popped up for it already. The one-of-a-kind cabinet live at NYU’s Game Center and more tournaments are being planned. It’s worth paying a visit if you’re in the New York City area.
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