Two of the classes originally cut from the release version of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning are making their triumphant return next month, and Mythic isn't planning on letting them just slip into the game unannounced. The Dark Elven Black Guard and the Empire's Knight of the Blazing Sun are getting their own launch event, Heavy Metal, which kicks off tomorrow and runs through December 1st. For the duration of the event, players will be able to complete special tasks that earn them renown towards special rewards, all culminating in the ultimate reward - a chance to start your own Knight or Black Guard a week before the classes become open to the general public. Head over to the official event page for the full details on how you can get your hands on one of the new heavy fighter classes before everyone else does. You'll tank yourself for doing so. Sorry. Live Event: Heavy Metal [Warhammer Online via Eurogamer]
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