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Want To Bring Your Indie Game To PAX? It Could Cost $11,758.70.

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Got a hot new game? Want to bring it to PAX? Hope you've got a trust fund.

The people at BitFlip Games have written an entertaining (and eye-opening) blog post that breaks down how they managed to spend close to $12,000 just to get their game Minion Master out on the show floor.

Here's their numerical breakdown:

The Recap:

  • Booth: $1300.00
  • Furniture: $435.28
  • Mounts: $67.40
  • Beer/welding: $14.75
  • Server Stand: $60
  • Computers (8): $3265.36
  • Screens (7): $1813.21
  • Router, Cabling, Power: $186.92
  • Misc. Supplies: $78.20
  • Promotional Cards: $1836.10
  • Shirt/Caps: $600
  • Electricity: $219.50
  • Incidentals: $1650
  • Airfare: $1257.40
  • Housing: $710

Total: $11758.70.

Pretty crazy stuff. Check out the full blog post for explanations of why everything cost what it did.


If you're a game developer and you've brought a game to PAX or a similar trade show, how much did you wind up spending? Let us know in Kinja below.


So, You Want to Take Your Indie Game to PAX. [Bit Flip Games — thanks, David!]

Note: The headline for this article originally read "Want To Bring Your Indie Game To PAX? That'll Be $11,758.70." Some folks pointed out how that could be seen as misleading, so we've changed it.
