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Wanna-Be Japanese Celebrity Arrested for Stealing 22 Leotards

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In Japan, there are some people who are famous simply for being famous. They are called "tarento" (タレント) and appear on variety shows and talk shows. Misaki Hashigawa isn't one of those people. But as of today, she's famous online!

According to Jiji and Sankei News, this "self-styled tarento" was arrested for stealing twenty-two leotards. She calls herself a tarento, but nobody has ever seen her on television, and she isn't famous.

Allegedly, the 22 year-old Hashigawa stole 22 leotards from a leotard specialty shop showroom in Tokyo's Ikebukuro. Jiji reports that the leotards were worth a total of one million yen (US$9,924).


While the news report doesn't specifically mention the shop, one specialty store in Ikebukuro sells fancy gymnastics outfits for between $250 and $450 each.


According to 2ch, Japan's largest forum, here's a photo of Hashigawa (note: Kotaku blurred her eyes):

Well, that looks like a fancy leotard.

According to authorities, she's said, "To cover my living expenses, I resold them online."


It's believed that last summer, she auctioned off outfits online. However, she wasn't arrested until today.

レオタード窃盗容疑で女逮捕=自称タレント、ネットで転売―警視庁 [Jiji]

レオタード22着盗む  窃盗容疑でタレントの女を逮捕 [MSN]

Top photo: Sankei News

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