Some people you meet online are jerks. Some are super cool. And occasionally, those online friendships become offline ones. That's what happened here, but with violent results.
On Monday, 29 year-old Daisuke Masumura attended a BBQ in Kawasaki City with around 30 people. The BBQ was for people who met through a social networking video game site. It was their first in-person meeting, and the participants referred to each other by their online handles.
Masumura was passed out drunk, and when it was time to clean up, he had water tossed on him. Pissed, Masumura demanded to know who poured water on him and hit a 28 year-old in the head with an empty wine bottle. The attack caused acute epidural hematoma and will take the victim two months to completely heal.
"I didn't think was that big of an injury," Masumura told authorities after being picked up for assault.
ワイン空き瓶で男性の頭殴る 傷害容疑で29歳男を逮捕 SNSで知り合い初対面 [産経]
多摩川河川敷でバーベキューオフ会中けんか、一升瓶で頭殴り逮捕 [読売]
(Top photo: Anton Andronov | Shutterstock)