Japan's getting Shinji MIkami's sci-fi third-person shooter Vanquish on October 21? So what! In North America we're getting it a couple of days earlier, with a trio of deadly new weapons available to those who preorder from the right store.
October 19 is the date that Vanquish hits the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and the store in question is, of course, GameStop. Folks who put down their five dollars at the video game retailer will gain access to an exclusive Tri-Weapon DLC pack.
How does a Boost Machine Gun sound to you guys? Boring? How about an Anti-Armor Pistol? Lame? Okay, then you might enjoy the miniaturized space warship laser that is the Laser Cannon, the most powerful weapon available to infantry?
Everybody loves laser cannons. My mother loves laser cannons, and she doesn't even know what they are.