A while back at the Tokyo Games Show 2011, Capcom and Sony announced that a portable version of Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 would be debuting for the PlayStation Vita. Since then, we suspected that there'd be some interoperability between the handheld and home consoles. Last week, Capcom's Seth Killian could only coyly tease such a possibility when asked by Stephen Totilo. But the remote control method's been confirmed by the Street Fighter publisher today, along with new screens of the Vita version of UMvC3.
Aside from those touchscreen controls Killian demonstrated, UMvC3 on Vita will also include a Spectator Mode for watching live matches happen and exclusive Gold Herald outfits for the game's Heroes & Heralds mode. Plus, it's an official launch game so buyers of the PS Vita First Edition bundle will be able to get it when they grab the portable a week ahead of its 2/22/12 launch date.