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Underage Kids Enjoy The 3DS

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SNAPSHOT | OSAKA, JAPAN: Children that appear under the age of six check out 3D gaming on the 3DS. Nintendo recommends that only players over 6 use the 3D setting. (Photo by Brian Ashcraft)

Wake Up, Kotaku

Call Of Duty 's Cover Competition Has 32 Candidates, And The Fans Are One Never one to let Electronic Arts steal a march on it, Activision will be holding a vote (hint: they're not really) for its flagship franchise, allowing fans to select who (or what) will appear on the cover of the next Call of Duty game.


A Hacker Didn't Break This Game, He Helped Fix It New MMO game Rift has had a few problems since launch, one of them being a percentage of user accounts having been compromised. Luckily, an ex-hacker has been able to help plug the leak.


Hijacked Road Sign Warns Motorists Of Left 4 Dead Dangers People have been messing with road signs for years now, warning people of zombie attacks. It's so much more awesome when it's done to specifically warn people of Left 4 Dead's zombies, though.


Brain Age Doctor Is More Than Happy To Drink Your Radiation Milk In Japan, trace amounts of radiation are being found in vegetables and milk. People are obviously concerned, but fret not, because the guy from Brain Age is here to relax all fears.


Ten Years Ago Today, The Last Game Boy Was Born On March 21, 2001, stores in Japan began selling the first units of the Game Boy Advance. There are few sentences that can better describe how far video games have come in the past decade than that.


Spent the day working on an interesting story as well as doing posts. I love when you start working on a story and you find yourself thinking about it constantly. Great feeling. –Brian Ashcraft

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