Publisher Ubisoft has fired back about rumors that games like Silent Hunter 5 have already been cracked by pirates.
As Kotaku posted previously, new anti-piracy measure, which will also be employed in the upcoming PC version of Assassin's Creed II, requires that users maintain a constant internet connection in order to play their games. There is no "off-line" option, according to Ubisoft's official FAQ on the new DRM method, resulting in an experience that sounds less than pleasant. Ubisoft later attempted to clarify how its DRM implementation works.
In the case of Silent Hunter 5, which was released for Windows PCs yesterday, the team of crackers responsible claim that those who download the pirated version, currently making the rounds on torrent trackers and sites like Rapidshare, need only "Install game and copy crack, it's that simple!"
"You have probably seen rumors on the web that Assassin's Creed II and Silent Hunter 5 have been cracked," the publisher told website CVG. "Please know that this rumor is false and while a pirated version may seem to be complete at start up, any gamer who downloads and plays a cracked version will find that their version is not complete."
This doesn't sound so simple.
News: Ubi rubbishes DRM crack reports - [CVG]