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Ubi Demoer: HAWX Will Respond to Voice Command

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Eurogamer reports back from Ubidays 08 that a demonstrator let slip word that voice commands will be able to order around your fellow fighter pilots in Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

"Demonstrator Andrei Costin spilled the beans at the recent UbiDays event in Paris, but avoided elaborating on exactly how it will all work; we expect it will be a blend of EndWar and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter," writes Eurogamer.

Well alright, we got a hands-on at Ubidays. but apparently didn't liquor up/coerce/beat our demonstrator into divulging that kind of tidbit. Hrm. H.A.W.X. is due for a "holiday 2008" release on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, giving everyone six months to figure it all out.


"Costin pitched the game as its own blend of arcade and simulation," Eurogamer added, "and told us that he hopes he can capture the camaraderie and exhilaration exhibited in renowned Hollywood tale, Top Gun."


Two words: "Jester's dead!!" Wonder if your wingmen will respond to mid-air bravado, too.

H.A.W.X. Squads to be Voice Controllable [Eurogamer]