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Two Olympic Athletes, Two Sad Wii Fit Ages (Bwah?)

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US national women's team members Heather Mitts and Heather O'Reilly are two fit athletes. Or so you'd think. Hey, they're in the Olympics! Watch as they compete with each other in Wii Fit mini-games for the chance at winning a Wii. Listen to that irritating announcer. Then scratch your head when Wii Fit says Olympiads' balance ages are 47 and 43 respectively. Pathetic. Those ladies really need to get in shape. They need to quite that goofing off they do on the women's national team (gold medal — ha, whatever!) and just do Wii Fit all day long. That's the only way these slackers will get fit. If you have lots of free time today, there's another clip after the jump. It has the hula hoop game.

Female US Soccer players compete in Wii Fit Showdown [Balance Board Blog]