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'Twitch Plays Pokémon' Looks Even Sillier In Real Life

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When thousands of people try to control a single character at once, like in the 'Twitch Plays Pokémon' stream, things can look a little...erratic. No matter what he tries to do or where he tries to go, the main character, Red, practically looks drunk. Obviously, Twitch players should never have control of a real person.

Or maybe they should, I dunno. Having a real person move like the character in 'Twitch Plays Pokémon' is kind of hilarious, as NosTeraFucked proves here.

I practically lost my shit when items like the Helix fossil were brought out:

Nevermind all the times people around him either completely ignore him or look at him like he's a weirdo. Ha.

TwitchPlays Pokemon - in Real Life (NosTeraFuTV) [NosTeraFucked]
