Since its 1993 North American debut, the Power Rangers series has produced 23 complete seasons of television. In celebration of the upcoming live-action movie, Twitch is streaming every single episode in one massive 16-day marathon, kicking off Tuesday, March 14.
You’ll want to start planning which of the 831 (they aren’t doubling up on the original/re-version of the first series) episodes you want to watch with the Twitch community now, because there’s no way you’ll be able to watch them all. The marathon begins with the good old Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers on Tuesday at 11 AM Pacific, with the last episode of Dino Super Charge closing things out on March 30. Fans will also want to keep a couple of hours free to catch the theatrical film, which releases on March 24 in the U.S.
The stream goes live at 11 AM Pacific on Tuesday on the Twitch Presents channel.