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Twirling Robots Rarely Look This Pretty

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This is a real-time motion test for ROBOTA: Vengeance, run on the Unity Engine. At first it looks really good. Then you realize that it's slated to be released on iOS and Android. Suddenly it looks holy shit good.

The creators, Sixits Studios, are trying to crowdfund a whopping $100,000 to finance ROBOTA: Vengeance, which they say will be better than blockbuster mobile game Infinity Blade. As of this writing, they're sitting around $22,000. They have 69 hours to earn $78,000.


Here's how they describe the story on their Kickstarter page:

In the game, you play the role of a robot that has just awakened with no recollection of who or where you are. You have been left for dead and salvaged from destruction by a small creature call Rend. Rend saves you in order to enlist your help to rescue his family that are being held captive by the arch Villain of the story. You must battle your way through increasing larger and harder foes in order to reach your goal. On your quest, Rend assists you by repairing and upgrading your parts as you go, and helps you uncover the secrets of your past. On your journey, you will need to build your own custom robot in order to defeat giant enemy robots and genetically modified dinosaurs in gladiatorial combat while searching for the secrets that lie within you.


Seems like a missed opportunity to not call it Robots vs. Dinosaurs, but oh well. Sixits hopes to release ROBOTA: Vengeance on Steam, Android, and iOS this August.

ROBOTA: Vengeance [Kickstarter]