There's old school Tron, Intellivision style, and then there's 8-Bit Weapon's Tron Tribute EP, featuring five chiptune mixes of Wendy Carlos' iconic music from the first video game movie.
With Tron Legacy, the sequel to Disney's 1982 classic, heading our way this holiday season, excitement is building in fans of the original movie, resulting in things like Tron Tribute. Tron Tribute is a free MP3 album consisting of five mixes of two tracks from the original Tron soundtrack - Tron Scherzo and the Tron Theme and Ending. In case you've forgotten what Scherzo sounds like, here's a clip of the Sark Remix, created by Meg of
Brings back memories, doesn't it?
Head over to 8-Bit Weapon's music page to download the full EP for free. You never know when a chiptune version of the Tron theme will come in handy.