Series creator Infinity Ward dragged the Call of Duty series out of the Second World War and into the present day with Call of Duty 4, and promptly engineered one of the greatest games of all time. So will series co-developers Treyarch - currently putting the finishing touches on Call of Duty 5 - be following suit? In an interview with CVG, Treyarch's Noah Heller fails to rule that out, saying "I can't say that there won't ever be a WWII Call of Duty game again". He continues:
If we had time we might have shown the end of the war from many different country's perspectives, and maybe that's a story still untold. But in the meantime people definitely haven't seen the final charge of the Red Army, people haven't seen what the fighting was like in Okinawa and I think it's definitely important to show those stories from a polished perspective rather than show some of the mopping up elsewhere in the world.
Hmm. See, we've already seen the final charge of the Red Army. That's how Call of Duty 1 ended. You want our totally unsolicited advice? Ditch WW2. It's been run dry. Now WW1, with Belgium 1914, Russia 1914, Palestine 1917...that's some fertile ground for a shooter. Call of Duty dev won't rule out more WWII [CVG]