This summer, Street Fighter III 3rd Strike player Kenji Kuroda was arrested for allegedly committing indecent acts this February against a high school girl. He’s been arrested again for another alleged incident that happened last year.
According to Sankei, the latest allegation took place in Chiba Prefecture on May 31, 2017. Kuroda is accused of calling out to a high school girl on her way, pinning down both of her arms and committing, as the news source writes, waisetsuna koui (わいせつな行為), which means “obscene acts” or “sexual molestation.”
Kuroda denies these allegations.
Authorities are quoted as saying that nearby security camera footage and evidence left at the scene led them to Kuroda.
You can read about Kuroda’s earlier arrest for an alleged incident that happened this February right here.
[Thanks Carson for the tip!]