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Tom Clancy's EndWar Coming To DS, PSP

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Does the concept of Tom Clancy's EndWar's real-time tactical combat scare you? Are you intrigued by the story but scared of the immediacy of real-time? Well then perhaps the newly-announced handheld versions of the game are for you. Shipping on November 4th alongside their console big brothers, Tom Clancy's EndWar for the PSP and Nintendo DS contain all the thrill of the conflict between the U.S. Joint Strike Force, European Enforcers Corps and Russian Spetsnaz Guards Brigade in a turn-based strategy game...with a twist. Instead of each side taking turns, each declare their actions which are then carried out simultaneously. It sounds like a lovely compromise between real-time and turn-based, really. Each version will feature three separate campaigns with over 30 scenarios each, two-player multiplayer with 100 ready-to-play scenarios, and a mission editor to create and share your own battlefields. An absolutely huge slice of Clancy-flavored strategy, coming to the PSP and DS next month.Ubisoft Announces Tom Clancy's Endwar TM for Handhelds SAN FRANCISCO - OCTOBER 20, 2008 - Today Ubisoft announced that Tom Clancy's EndWar™ will be released for the Nintendo DS™ system and the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system. Developed by Funatics Software and optimized for the handheld platforms, Tom Clancy's EndWar is rated T for "teen" and will ship to retailers on November 4, 2008. Tom Clancy's EndWar for handhelds allows players to command an elite military force on the ground, in the air and on the seas during World War III. Take control of the elite U.S. Joint Strike Force, European Enforcers Corps or Russian Spetsnaz Guards Brigade and lead your faction to victory in three separate yet interwoven single-player campaigns. Each campaign includes over 30 battle scenarios taking place on real-world battlefields including Paris and London, and features increasingly challenging missions and objectives. Fight against a friend in tense two-player battles in any of the 100 ready-to-play scenarios or in your own custom-created missions. Key Features: Turn-based strategy with a twist: Simultaneous move and attack phases make the experience as intense and authentic as real-time strategy. Three campaigns, one for each faction, with increasingly challenging battle scenarios and objectives. Over 20 units and vehicles per faction including ground, air and naval units. Units gain experience in combat, dramatically improving their combat performance. Two-player versus multiplayer mode, including additional missions specifically designed for multiplayer battles. Easy-to-pick-up mission editor: Create and share your custom battlefields and battle scenarios to play solo or against another player. Full stylus control on Nintendo DS.