Kotaku has landed in Tokyo to tackle the annual Tokyo Game Show, an event that promises to be full of game announcements, top notch cosplay and maybe an awkward dinner or two with Japanese video game developers. What should we expect?
On Wednesday, Electronic Arts holds its pre-TGS showcase (starting at 4pm), where we expect to learn more about Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam and that long-in-the-making EA Partners project with No More Heroes developer Grasshopper Manufacture. Maybe we'll find out what happened to EA's Zelda-like, Tsumuji, announced at last year's version of the event.
Also on Wednesday, expect new game announcements from Capcom. We wouldn't be surprised to see a new Devil May Cry or Resident Evil game make an appearance, but we hear that the Mega Man and Street Fighter publisher has plenty of news planned for its pre-TGS event.
Tokyo Game Show kicks off proper on Thursday at 9 am (Japan Time), when Microsoft—yes, Microsoft—holds its show-opening keynote. Previous TGS keynotes from Sony have been both tedious and announcement-packed, so don't miss it.
Later on Thursday, we'll see what Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has to reveal. Sony's press conference begins at 1pm. Sony keeps the presentations coming later in the day with new demos from Team ICO and Polyphony Digital. Hopefully, that means fresh info on The Last Guardian, the rumored Ico/Shadow of the Colossus compilation and something new from Gran Turismo 5.
We'll be hitting the show floor all day Thursday to bring new hands-on impressions, then cruising Cosplay Alley all weekend for an exhaustively shot gallery of Tokyo's best cosplay. On Saturday, we'll be checking out Rez spiritual sequel Child of Eden and attending the Tougeki fighting game tournament.
Make sure to stick around beyond the press conferences. We suspect that new game announcements will continue into the weekend.