The Tohoku earthquake and ensuing tsunami ravaged northeastern Japan, leaving many dead or homeless. Those who survived are taking shelter in refuges set up in school gyms and community centers.
Certainly, many displaced victims feel that they are lucky to be alive as they adjust to the aftermath. But, of course, many kids miss gaming. The Mainichi Newspaper visited a refuge and asked 30 elementary school kids what is the one thing they want most.
Besides a house, the popular answer was video games. At the shelter, kids can enjoy kid activities like playing tag, cards and read. With electricity limited or down in many areas, it could be sometime before these grade schoolers get to play their favorite video games again.
It's probably not just video games they want, but normalcy.
【東日本大地震】避難所の小学生、一番欲しいものは「ゲーム機」 [インサイド] [Pic: Getty]