So here we are, at the start of another evening's open thread. How was your day? Good, I hope. Mine was nice, it was gorgeous in San Francisco and I typed a lot of words.
Speaking of typing words, your own words are welcome here in off-topic town. Here are a few conversation starters, and other fun things I saw around the internet.
- Herman Cain Officially has the weirdest campaign commercials - Seriously, WTS. I don't even know where to begin.
- Here is a cool Japanese comic that teaches people about wine - Hey, I like comics and wine!
- This is the greatest baby costume of all time - Game over, man. Game over.
- Halloween or Williamsburg? - yet another fun hipster-mocking tumblr. We mock what we don't understand. And I don't understand why humans would wear some of that crap.
- The Atlantic Wire reports on the anger at the end of Google Reader - I love Reader, but I don't use its share features. Do you?
Here is that Michael Bublé video again - because I still can't stop watching it. Why is Zazoom always around so many graves?
Chat away!
You can contact Kirk Hamilton, the author of this post, at You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook, and lurking around our #tips page.