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Throat... Burns...

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To: Ash, Luke, Own From: Crecente Re: Boxes, Boxes, Boxes I woke up this morning with a burning throat and over the course of the day that pain's slowly spread to my back, neck and head. Soooo, I'm going to make this short. Amanda pumped out quite a few stories today from her time with Electronic Arts. She did a great job working through the games and I particularly liked her interviews with Epic and Suda. Exploding unicorns indeed! Make sure to check them out. Oh, don't forget Mike and Mike leave for Leipzig on Monday. I'd be jealous of missing the always amazing Games Convention, but I will be attending Penny Arcade Expo the following week, so I'll survive. Have a great weekend. What you missed: Godfather II First Impressions de Blob Devs Bringing Swords & Soldiers To WiiWare Age Of Conan Invades GC On the Road to PAX Texas Gamer: U.S. Arcades Never Say Die! Epic's New Game – President Tells All The Odd Couple - EA & Grasshopper or Suda 51 & Shinji Mikami Celebrity Sports Showdown – Impressions Halo 3 Plasma Pistols Boogie SuperStar – Objectifying And Empowering Tween Girls Everywhere