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Boxes, Boxes, Boxes

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To: Crecente From: Luke Re: New Digs So! I'm writing this sitting, literally, amidst a pile of boxes. This is the eighth time I've moved house in the last five years - between university share houses and jetting between Canberra and Sydney - and to be honest, the whole process can just go fuck right off. Am sick of it. On the bright side, however, it's the second-last time we have to do it, as the next time will be to move into some house a bunch of guys (well, builders) are building for us. You guys been watching much of the Olympics? I tell ya, why handball isn't a bigger sport escapes me. It's fantastic. Peter Moore, get on it, EA Handball 2010 would be a hoot. Here's what you missed: Prototype, Bourne Devs Given The Arse By Activision Sega Find Room Containing Every Sega Game Ever Made Guy With Gun: "Only PS3 Can Save My Family" Why Are Suda And Mikami Working With EA? Dress Snake As Altair, The Easy Way What Games Do Japanese Dudes With Fancy Hairdos Like? Akuma Is Here To Whop Your Street Fighter IV Butt How Pro Evo 2009 Differs From Pro Evo 2008 LittleBigBlockOfFlats