Today Sony proudly announces that it will be the first video game console to feature a subscription-based live comedy service with the September 1 release of The Laugh Factory Live, which should be incredibly popular until the free trial period ends.
The Laugh Factory is a popular comedy club franchise based out of Hollywood, California, and they have so much comedy it's flowing out of their doors and onto the internet. Tired of people simply filming their excess comedy with cell phones and placing it on the world wide web for free, The Laugh Factory teamed up with Sony to monetize all of those digital laughs.
The Laugh Factory performances from the past, present and future (technically the present, but not right now) with be watchable via the PlayStation 3 exclusive application, featuring names like Dave Chappelle and Dane Cook. Possibly their faces and voices as well.
PlayStation 3 owners will be able to download the application and watch for free until December, when absolutely no one opts to pay three dollars a month for something they can easily find on the internet at no charge.
The Laugh Factory App Coming to PS3 September 1st [PlayStation Blog]