What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
QUOTE | "Wii U is not quite next generation." - Michael Pachter, Wedbush Securities analyst, talks in a new Q&A about the Wii U, Microsoft vs. Sony, NBA 2K12, and how Xbox Live TV might be a competitive edge against Sony.
QUOTE | "The $60 paid game is not going away." - EA Playfish London GM John Earner sees all games going social but he believes there will always be a market, even if limited, for triple-A console gaming.
QUOTE | "RPG AI is stalled." - Associate professor Noah Wardrip-Fruin and other experts on AI talk about the state of AI in games and where it's headed.
STAT | $2 billion – The worldwide revenue that research firm EEDAR expects to be generated by DLC sales by the end of next year, as the number of HD console owners downloading content steadily rises.
QUOTE | "Steve Jobs made some great game platforms without really trying." - Electronic Arts and Digital Chocolate founder Trip Hawkins talks about what Steve Jobs meant to the game industry.
QUOTE | "We expect Sony to be first to market." - Responding to rumors that Microsoft will launch 'Xbox Next' by the end of 2013, RW Baird analyst Colin Sebastian noted that, if anything, Sony's more likely to bring out PS4 first.
QUOTE | "The killer console will be your mobile device." - Kakul Srivastava of developer Tiny Speck discusses a future where gaming predominantly takes place on browsers and mobile devices.
QUOTE | "Sony does brilliant hardware." - EA COO Peter Moore comments on the upcoming PlayStation Vita, but at the same time he questions what the role of dedicated handheld gaming is at this point.
QUOTE | "Rockstar only scratching the surface." - Rockstar's Dan Houser talks about the big potential he still sees in open-world gaming despite having developed so many games in the genre.
STAT | 500,000 – The number of copies Atlus' Catherine managed to sell in Japan and overseas, proving to be a hit for the publisher, given the niche nature of the game.
QUOTE | "Our big audacious goal to have 1 billion fans." - Rovio North American general manager Andrew Stalbow talks about building out way beyond Angry Birds to become a "next generation media company."
This Week In the Business courtesy of IndustryGamers.com
(Image from Ariwasabi/Shutterstock)