What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
STAT | 1%—Amount of more than 5,000 gamers surveyed by Intergi Entertainment planning to buy a Wii U soon; this compares to 58% who said they were planning to get a PS4, and 39% who are planning on an Xbox One.
QUOTE | "There's lots of talk in the industry about games becoming services ... this doesn't always resonate with people, especially gamers."—Square Enix CEO of US and Europe Phil Rogers, on Square Enix's struggles with Final Fantasy XIV.
QUOTE | "No one really seems to like free-to-play. It's not something people get excited about so it's weird that it kind of feels like we're saddled with it."—Soren Johnson, ex-Zynga designer and now founder of Mohawk Games, on why his next game will be a classic pay-once-play-forever game.
QUOTE | "It's a massive infrastructure to run this thing."—Sony Network Entertainment vice president Eric Lempel on the big investment in PSN and why online multiplayer is no longer free on PS4.
QUOTE | "This is the beginning of a new era of PlayStation, shifting more from a hardware focus to a service focus."—Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida, discussing the PS4 and why graphics matter.
QUOTE | "We don't pretend that we succeed in everything that we do, and we don't pretend that this is the only route."—David Cage, creator of Beyond: Two Souls, on the pressures involved in mixing storytelling and games.
STAT | 500 million—Number of times Candy Crush Saga has been downloaded, according to publisher King; over 150 billion games have been played.
STAT | 5%—Amount total sales of gaming hardware, software and accessories was up for October over last October, according to NPD; that's the third month in a row of an increase, all due to software sales as hardware declined 8%.
QUOTE | "I think they'll be impressive, cool consoles ... but I think the days of the traditional console are on the way out."—David Jaffe, creator of God of War on whether next-gen consoles can save console gaming.
This Week in the Business courtesy of GamesIndustry International
Image by Galgoczy Gabriel | Shutterstock