QUOTE | “It is inevitable. How long [until] inevitable actually becomes reality, I don’t know. But we think we are getting there. The key is for the community to really get behind the idea.” - Psyonix VP of publishing Jeremy Dunham is confident that Sony will follow Microsoft and Nintendo in allowing cross-platform play for Rocket League and other games.
QUOTE | “It stands to reason, obviously you want to design a game that is fun for the players that buy it. But from a marketing perspective, it’s also important to design a game that lends itself to a journalist’s catchy review title or a YouTuber’s ability to make dick jokes.” - Big Pharma developer Tim Wicksteed says the majority of a game’s marketing is built into the design of the game itself.
QUOTE | “It was clearly one future game too many. If I could have had WWII a year earlier, knowing what I know now, then obviously the timing would have been better considering the community culture at the time. But we green light these games three years in advance.” Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg acknowledges Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare was a misstep for the long-running first-person shooter series.
QUOTE | “We will remove listing for pre-release items and accessories if the release date of the item is more than 30 days away.” - An eBay spokesperson explains why the online auction site has been continually spiking listings for SNES Mini preorders. (Expect those listings to reappear August 30.)
QUOTE | “When Nintendo announced Splatoon I was like, ‘Hey, I’ve already seen that - that’s literally De Blob Online.’” - THQ Nordic business and product development director Reinhard Pollice explains how THQ’s colorful platformer fell between the cracks for a few years when the original publisher went bankrupt.
STAT | $60 - The new Steam price point of Ark: Survival Evolved, double its original Early Access cost of $30. Developer Studio Wildcard said the hike was made “to ensure retail parity” for next month’s full launch of the game.
QUOTE | “Proof points of this strategy are already evident in the marketplace with 100% of GREE’s last three games having achieved Top 10 Grossing status in Japan.” - A spokesperson for mobile developer GREE explains the company’s new “Japan-first” strategy after shutting down studios in San Francisco, Melbourne, and Berlin, the total of its Western operations.
QUOTE | “Absolutely we’re embracing [games-as-a-service] in terms of the mindset, in terms of our own approach to it and our definition of it. But we’re not putting a banner up there saying, ‘This is games-as-a-service. This is what it means. This is our road to games-as-a-service as an organization; let’s head there.’” -Sega Europe SVP of commercial publishing John Clark explains the company’s inconsistent approach to games-as-a-service as a function of letting studios determine what works best for them and their communities.
QUOTE | “The killings and physical violence were not to protect innocent life, but instead were repugnant and morally indefensible images designed to appeal to young consumers.” - Songer-songwriter Dion, in a lawsuit against ZeniMax alleging the Bethesda parent company used his hit song “The Wanderer” in an ad for Fallout 4 without proper consent.
QUOTE | “It’s a big shame, just couldn’t reach enough players to try it out.” - Q-Games founder Dylan Cuthbert weighs in on the impending shutdown of the studio’s free-to-play resource gathering, town-building, and monster-fighting PS4 game, The Tomorrow Children.
QUOTE | “A lot of the platforms really need a radical rethinking of their digital storefronts… I think they’ve gone backwards in a lot of regards, and they need to rethink discovery.” - Team 17 creative director Kevin Carthew says it’s harmful to the industry when the same games dominate the charts week in and week out.