QUOTE | “We made a shitload of Pip-Boys, and we went back and made more, and went back and made more.” - Bethesda marketing VP Pete Hines, explaining why there won’t be any more of the Fallout 4 accessories.
QUOTE | “The immediate reaction when someone asks you to take on a Star Wars game, you kind of instantly think no. It’s too much.” - Patrick Bach, GM of EA’s DICE studio, talking about how the team’s passion for the license led them to take on the project.
QUOTE | “I believe that augmented reality will be the biggest technological revolution that happens in our lifetimes.” - Epic’s Tim Sweeney, talking about how when AR gets better we won’t need any other form of display.
STAT | 25.3 million – Total number of PlayStation 4 consoles sold so far, according to Sony; the rate of sales is outpacing the PlayStation 2, and Sony is forecasting another 16.5 million units sold for the full year.
STAT | 10 million – Total number of Wii U consoles sold so far, according to Nintendo; sales of the console declined year-on year, to 470,000 sold in the quarter versus 510,000 in the same quarter last year.
QUOTE | “I think our player group is...one of the traits that you see in it...well, obsessive would be a word to choose.” - JD McNeil, managing director of developer Slitherine, talking about the audience for the complex wargames they make.
QUOTE | “We know this is a long-term investment for Xbox. We have teams here investing and are committed to growing this business slowly.” - Xbox head Phil Spencer, talking about the company’s commitment to China.
QUOTE | “While it is nice to see that Kickstarter is still a platform where a project can gather a lot of support... the truth is, 2015 so far is the worst year yet for ‘regular’ projects.” - Analyst Thomas Bidaux, talking about how the lion’s share of Kickstarter funding is going to a few big games like Shenmue 3.
STAT | $4.3 billion – Amount of revenue EA expects for its full fiscal year, after beating analyst expectations for the first fiscal quarter; EA attributed the beat to “outperformance in digital live services” and catalog sales.
QUOTE | “Seeing what JJ Abrams and Disney are doing with the movie, it feels right, to me at least.” - Head of EA Studios Patrick Soderlund, explaining why he and his developers are very excited to be working on Star Wars: Battlefront.
QUOTE | “I think we’re going in the right direction. We just have to be very careful. We have to stop being so crazy.” - Italo Capasso of Colombian developer Glitchy Pixel, talking about the ups and downs of game devs in Latin America.