QUOTE | "Henry Ford of the personal computer industry." - Following the sudden resignation of Steve Jobs, analysts weigh in on the legacy of the Apple CEO and what's in store for Apple's future.
QUOTE | "Kevin Butler's new upstart career." - Say what? Sony's humorous PlayStation promoter now lists himself as President of Economy Flooring and Sony's being coy about it.
QUOTE | "Literature of the 21st century." - Chris Swain, Director of USC Games Institute, believes games will in effect become the new literature, transforming culture as the dominant form of storytelling.
QUOTE | "A turning point for the industry." - PlayStation Home director Jack Buser believes Sony's virtual world is making history by focusing on free-to-play games, which could become the norm on consoles.
QUOTE | "Take-Two may keep GTA V for next-gen." - As the entire games industry waits for GTA V, Panoptic Management Consultants CEO Asif Khan notes that the next numbered GTA might actually be held for new consoles.
QUOTE | "A clever ploy." Marketing experts and analysts agree that EA's mudslinging towards Activision and Call of Duty is actually a "smart move" to gain publicity, even if viewed as "petty" or "unprofessional."
QUOTE | "Stagnation in game development." - Former Activision VP Robin Kaminsky outlined in an editorial why she thinks the industry must launch new consoles to drive innovation and sales.
QUOTE | "A tough business nowadays." - Speaking in a column about getting into games journalism, former EGM editor Dan 'Shoe' Hsu notes how difficult it's become to break into the business.
QUOTE | "Game porting between 3DS and Vita." - EEDAR's Jesse Divnich speculates on the interesting possibilities if the rumors about Nintendo adding a second analog to 3DS prove true.
QUOTE | "Plenty of life." - Some insiders believe consoles' days are numbered, partially due to the rise of smartphones and tablets, but ABI Research sees consoles as viable living room centerpieces for some time to come.
QUOTE | "I wouldn't trade places." - Reacting to Sony's PS3 price cut, Microsoft VP Chris Lewis says Xbox 360's in a better position and is not pressured to drop price.
QUOTE | "A lot of benefit to the publisher." - Game publishers abhor used games because they don't see a dime of the profits, but retailer GameStop insists that the used games business is actually a positive for publishers.
This Week In the Business courtesy of IndustryGamers.com